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Why do all companies present themselves saying that they are young and dynamic and then end up doing the same as everyone else?
If we used the terms “young” and “dynamic” to define the state of our grandfather Matías, well still, but a company?
We are MERMELADA PRODUCCIONES, a company dedicated to audiovisual and graphic design in a multitude of aspects.
We are... well whatever you want us to be. Young and dynamic, classic and serious, casual, romantic, retro, minimalist, dark and bright...
What vibe do you want to give to your recordings or designs? Well, your thing is our thing.
Events, conventions, weddings, commercials, videobooks, music videos, fiction videos, corporate image design, etc.
At MARMELADA PRODUCCIONES you will find what you need and, above all, what you are looking for.
Don't let others define you! Here everyone chooses the flavor of the jam they like the most...

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